
Educational Technology Links

Madrid-Waddington is excited to present a new, 2-year early college program beginning in the 2025-2026 school year for juniors and seniors currently attending any of the 18 public school districts in St. Lawrence County. For more information click here.
Interested in enrolling? Complete this form
Internet Connectivity
We understand that not every family has access to the internet. We will help families find connections so students can complete schoolwork. Here are some helpful links:
  • The Federal Communications Commission is offering an affordable internet connectivity program at Getinternet.gov
  • The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program is offering free/reduced rate internet for families. Visit https://www.fcc.gov/broadbandbenefit to find out more information and apply.
  • Each student in grades K-5 has access to a Chromebook at school. Students in grades 6-12 are issued a Chromebook they are expected to take to and from school each day and keep it charged. If you have any questions about our process, please contact [email protected], or call 315.322.5746 ext. 35161.

Technology Information

Educational Technology Used at Madrid-Waddington CSD

District Communication System

District Student Management System (Contacts, grades, schedules, etc.)

The URL for the Schooltool App: https://schooltool4.neric.org/SchoolTool_MADR

The devices provided to M-W students to complete schoolwork.

MWCSD provides a Chromebook to all students grades 6-12 to take to and from school each day to complete work. 
Students in Grades K-5 have a Chromebook that stays at school and a separate Chromebook that stays at home for the school year. Need a Chromebook your Kindergarten through 5th grade student to keep at home? Fill out this form.
M-W provides new Chromebooks to students in grades 1, 4, 7, & 10. The students are responsible for the care of their Chromebook for the 3 years it is in their possession.

Chromebook not working properly? Powerwash it! 

Google Classroom
District Learning Management System (Pushes digital assignments to students)

Single Sign On Software to sign students into software programs

For Staff

View text-based website